Friday, July 28, 2006

GA Journal

My professors, and articles in the library literature, advise me to keep a journal of my activities during my assistantship, or any pratica, so that I will remember them later, when it comes time to update my resume.

So here it is, my GA Journal. The blog seems as good a place as any. I will update it as conditions require.

  • Assisted with the development of Tiger Tail, an information literacy tutrial.
  • Compiled statistics on class and instructional session attendance for the Instructional Committee.
  • Assisted patrons at the reference desk, conducted reference interviews, located information resources, provided bibliographic instruction on the Libraries' webpage, the OPAC, and subscription databases.
  • Proofread and fact-checked a journal citation exercise for one of the Instructional libraians.
  • Created a bibliography for an article two of my librarians are co-writing.
  • Searched Yankee Book Peddler and downloaded order lists to add to the "Recent Acquisitions" pages on the Library website.
  • Assisted a librarian with a One-Shot bibliographic instruction session for Geography graduate students.
  • Helped the Chemistry Liaison evalaute some old videos on lab technique for possible inclusion in the collection.
  • Graded two sections worth of papers for one of the instructional librarians from the basic information literacy class.
  • Created a new form for archiving the results of user statisfaction surveys which follow up on our one-shots.

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